Understanding customer expectations
Bayer has conducted in-depth research using over 1,000 shoppers1 to find out what customers use their pharmacy for and what ranges they expect to see when they are there.
Research outcomes
Customers typically have 3 shopping missions:
seek the pharmacist's advice for a problem
purchase regular items
purchase non-regular items
And what were their thoughts about pharmacies?
What works?
What could be improved?
Shoppers also wanted to better understand the different qualifications within the pharmacy team and how much pharmacists know and can help them, so that it's easier for them to approach the right person - particularly when they may need to discuss a subject they feel embarrassed about. Badges or other forms of job title identification would really help to improve the perception of those behind the counter who are not in the pharmacist role.
61% of 'assured quick fixers' speak to the pharmacist for their product recommendation or confirmation - this is a key customer type for pharmacy. See our Make it Count module for further details on customer types.