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How to address potential concerns

While they might not use these exact words, customers may be concerned about tolerance, dependence and addiction with regards to taking an OTC sleep aid.

Listen out for phrases such as:

What if I get too
used to them?

I’m worried I won’t
be able to stop.

I don’t want to be stuck
on these for weeks.



Developing a tolerance means that the body gets used to a medication so that higher doses will be needed to remain effective.2


Dependence refers to the effect that the medication has on someone and is recognised by withdrawal symptoms when the person stops using it.20


Addiction (also known as substance use disorder) refers to a loss of control21 and is a diagnosable medical condition defined by ‘the compulsive use of drugs that occurs despite negative effects.’20

Here is how you can address these concerns.

First and foremost, reiterate that Nytol should not be used for longer than 2 weeks.17 Tolerance and/or dependence only develop with long-term or continuous use, so using Nytol to aid sleep in the short-term should not cause any problems.17,19 You can also reassure customers that it is unlikely that they will become addicted to diphenhydramine.19 These risks will increase if Nytol is being misused, so if you have any concerns about potential abuse, you should refer the customer to the pharmacist or GP.

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