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Refining your consultations

Customers may feel uncomfortable talking about constipation, so they may wish to talk in a private area of the pharmacy. You can reassure customers that there are several products available that can help their symptoms. When discussing laxatives and bowel habits, keep the language simple and reflect the words they use. Customers might not know what an 'osmotic' laxative is, for example, so explaining simply how it works can help.

Scenario 1: A customer who wants to relieve discomfort

Mr Owusu is constipated and is asking you to recomend a laxative. He has been busy with work recently and hasn't been eating as healthily as usual or had a chance to get out running. When he does go to the toilet, it is painful and his stools and hard and dry. He has already tried increasing the amount of fibre in his diet and drinking more fluids.

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