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There are many health conditions associated with EPs, which is why it is so important that men visit their GP within 6 months of first using OTC treatments for EPs.
Some examples are below.


The most common physical cause of EPs is where there is a build-up of fatty substances in the blood vessels, which affects the supply of blood to the penis. The blood vessels in the penis are narrow, so they can block more easily. EPs can be an early indicator of future heart problems.5,14

High blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol are also possible causes, as they too affect blood supply to the penis.

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)

The prostate gland increases in size from the age of 40, narrowing the urethra and causing problems passing urine (straining to pass urine, an increased need to urinate and a feeling that the bladder doesn't empty fully). If a customer mentions any symptoms that might indicate prostate issues, refer them to the pharmacist.

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