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Using body language effectively

Now that you know about the product and the consultation, this section offers advice on how to make your customers feel more at ease.

Body language and tone of voice are important to consider when having conversations about ED. Remember that your customers may feel self-conscious or embarrassed, so part of your role is to make them feel welcome and put them at ease. Positive body language is a part of this process. See below for some 'Do's and Don'ts':


smile and show empathy and interest. Having the head slightly tilted shows interest.


frown, or look embarrassed or awkward


maintain eye contact


stare, or be wide-eyed, which can make someone feel uncomfortable


have an open posture


cross your arms, which can look defensive

And remember, don't turn away from your customer as you will appear uninterested. Face them and demonstrate that you are listening by nodding your head and using the same language and phrases as your customer.

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