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Virtual consultation tips9

Preparing for virtual calls

  1. Decide which video conference software you will use, e.g. Accuryx, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp video calling. Have a run through with a team member.
    (Note: Accuryx can be run without the patient having to install additional software)

  2. All staff should be trained on the software and able to help patients who call in advance of their appointment

  3. Add clear information to your website on how to book a virtual consultation and what software is needed

  4. Agree a contingency plan with the patient as to what to do if the video link fails or they find themselves without good enough internet connection

Starting and during the call

  1. Have an initial call with the patient via telephone or, if they request email information, send them step-by-step instructions on how to download or use the software

  2. Once on the virtual call, initiate the conversation by asking the patient if they can hear and see you and take a note of the verbal consent

  3. Start by introducing yourself and anyone else in the room, then the purpose of the call and what you will cover. This is an ideal time to ask the patient if there is anything else they would like covered in the call

Ending the call

  1. Make clear the safety netting principles as you would for a phone call consultation, letting the patient know that if they experience worsening symptoms or have worries, they call into the pharmacy, use NHS 111 or call 999 for emergencies

  2. End the call by rebooking a follow up call, reiterate what the patient needs to do, e.g. with their medicine, condition etc. If goals were set, reiterate those, say goodbye then disconnect

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