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Self-care advice


  • Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids (small sips can help if feeling nauseous)
  • Paracetamol can be taken for pain if appropriate
  • Babies should still be breast or bottle fed if they have diarrhoea – it may be better to give smaller feeds more frequently if they are being sick
  • Babies on formula or solid foods should be given sips of water between feeds (but formula should NOT be diluted)
  • Avoid fruit juice or fizzy drinks as they can make diarrhoea worse


  • Good personal hygiene (handwashing after going to the toilet and before eating), careful preparation of food and drinking clean water all help to prevent infection
  • Any clothing or bedding soiled with poo/vomit should be washed separately in a hot wash
  • Surfaces such as toilet seats, taps and door handles should be cleaned daily (and then hands thoroughly washed)
  • Don’t share towels or cutlery, and don’t prepare food for others if affected
  • Don’t use a swimming pool until at least 48 hours after symptoms stop

Mini Quiz

For how many hours after diarrhoea and/or vomiting has stopped can someone return to school/work?

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Correct. Well done! It is important to advise customers to stay off school or work until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least two days.4

Click 'continue' below to progress your learning.

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