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As mentioned in the previous modules in this programme, pharmacy teams should encourage conversations about sleep and stress issues due to the serious health implications associated with them. You are in a key position to address common misconceptions customers may have about sleep and stress, or concerns they have about sleep aids.

Poor sleep and stress aren’t serious,
so I don’t need to do anything about them

Poor sleep and stress aren’t serious, so I don’t need to do anything about them

If left untreated, poor sleep and long-term stress can have a significant impact on both physical and mental health,7 so it’s crucial to manage these issues early and try to tackle them at their root cause. Sleep hygiene, lifestyle changes and OTC products available in the pharmacy could also be useful to support customers

Medicated sleep aids can
make you feel sleepy all day

Medicated sleep aids can make you feel sleepy all day

Pharmacy-only sleeping aids contain sedating antihistamines that can cause drowsiness. However, medicines that contain the active ingredient diphenhydramine, like the Nytol range, usually have sedating effects that wear off 8 hours after a dose, therefore there is a reduced risk of drowsiness the next day2

You can get addicted to
OTC medicated sleep aids

You can get addicted to OTC medicated sleep aids

The risk of addiction is unlikely when using sleeping aids such as diphenhydramine or promethazine, particularly if they're used for a short time and as directed.1,2 Diphenhydramine should not be taken for longer than two weeks and promethazine should only be taken for up to 7 days2,8

Dependence and addiction
are the same thing

Dependence and addiction are the same thing

Dependence and addiction are different. Addiction is a disease that affects a person’s brain and behaviour and can be caused by some drugs.9 However, sedating antihistamines like diphenhydramine or promethazine are unlikely to cause addiction.1,2 Dependency happens when the body starts to rely on the drug and, when it is taken for a long time, the body can get used to it and may crave it when it is stopped.9 You can become dependent on sedating antihistamines if you take them continuously for too long, which is why it is very important to follow the instructions and only take them for a short time

They work for a while,
but then stop helping

They work for a while, but then stop helping

OTC sleep aids are intended for short-term use only. As well as having the potential to cause dependence, your body can develop tolerance to the medicine, making it less effective over time.3-5,9 Sleep issues often have an underlying cause, which can include stress. It is important to try to identify and deal with the root cause so that the sleep-stress cycle can be broken. If sleep issues persist for over 2 weeks, you should speak to the pharmacist who may be able to help further

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