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Finding shared solutions

Patients are more likely to follow health advice you provide if they participate in conversations about their health decision making

Here are some suggestions to help you engage them in your discussion.

Reflect back to your customer

Reflect back to your customer what you have heard, finding opportunities to use their language:

‘I can tell that you are worried about XXX, so let’s discuss what we can do right now to help’

Involve your customer in the decision

When you make your recommendation give options so that you can involve your customer in the decision:

'This medicine is available as tablets and capsules, which would you prefer?'

How will they use the medication at home?

Encourage your customer to think through how they will use the medication at home:

‘This cream needs to be applied three times a day – how will that fit with your daily schedule?’

Get customer agreement with the plan

Take the opportunity to check your customer agrees with the plan you have made:

‘We’ve talked about a couple of options today. Are you happy with the choice we’ve made?’

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