What performance could you expect from your pharmacy services?
When thinking about the services you offer, estimate the size of the opportunity and compare that with current performance. For some services, this will be straightforward. In England, for example, pharmacies are paid for up to 400 MURs, and you will have a record of the MURs you have already claimed for.
The potential of other services may be more difficult to estimate. What size is the market for a travel clinic in your area? This will depend on the local competition and local demographics. Another group of services will be the things for which you do not get a payment per service, such as managing medicines waste, but can be used to build relationships with customers.
Create a table of the services you provide.
- List the services in the first column l In the second column, list the features for each service
- In the third column, list the benefits for each service
- In the fourth column, list the patient groups that would find these services valuable.