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Education & training

University of Sheffield launches MPharm alongside pharmacist qualification for technicians

University of Sheffield to launch new four year degree in September 2025

06 Sep 2024 , 1 Min Article

Digital & technology

New owners of bust pharmacy automation company saddled with outstanding orders

Exclusive: New owners of MedPoint meeting affected customers ‘in the coming weeks’.

05 Sep 2024 , 2 Min Article


Use effective contraception, MHRA tells male valproate patients

MHRA issues new precautionary advice in wake of Scandinavian study

05 Sep 2024 , 1 Min Article


‘National shortage’ left pharmacist unable to give correct EpiPen dose in fatal case

Pharmacy could not give patient's prescribed strength of EpiPen in fatal anaphylaxis case.

04 Sep 2024 , 2 Min Article

Cough & cold

Translate your customer's cough

Refresh your knowledge on different types of cough and how customers might describe them.

02 Sep 2024 , 10 Min Module

Clinical services

CPE: NHS failing to publicise Pharmacy First as it raises payment threshold

Morrison calls on NHS to support the service as activity threshold doubles.

02 Sep 2024 , 3 Min Article


Day Lewis sees operating profits dip as it sells and merges ‘multiple pharmacies’

Admin costs lead to slight profit dip as the company merges and sells low performers

30 Aug 2024 , 1 Min Article