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There are many different models for community pharmacy: 100-hour pharmacies, supermarket pharmacies, high street pharmacies, healthy living pharmacy (HLP) pharmacies, pharmacies with post offices, community pharmacies, rural pharmacies, pharmacies within shops, health centre pharmacies, pharmacies that are focusing on services, pharmacies that focus on distance selling or nursing homes or drug addicts, pharmacies with GPs and clinics inside them and pharmacies where the NHS is a large part of the business model or a small part. These models have been arrived at either by choice or by chance – for the future would you rather rely on choice or chance? I believe that, as pharmacists and pharmacy owners, we are all leaders: leaders of our teams and of our communities. Leadership can be defined in many ways and for this article we will take a simplified format for a business approach. Great leaders in business have these four things in common – they:

  • Develop a vision
  • Have a strategy to deliver that vision
  • Believe in their vision
  • Act to make it happen.
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