This site is intended for Healthcare Professionals only

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module menu icon External factors

External factors include noise and distractions, such as activities undertaken by others in the work environment. Temperature and light can impact upon attention. A glaring bright light or wall can disturb the concentration of a listener. A room that is too cold or hot will not be conducive to an effective consultation.

Pause to reflect

Work with someone you know, with whom you communicate on a regular basis. Explain that you are using this technique to enhance your own empathic and conscious listening for patient consultation purposes.

Ask them to answer the following questions about conversations they have with you. 

  • Do I ever jump in and finish what you are saying?
  • When you are talking to me, do I maintain eye contact with you most of the time? Or do I look elsewhere?
  • Do I change my opinion after talking something over with you?
  • When you are trying to talk to me, do I end up doing most of the talking?
  • When you are talking to me, do I bring the conversation back to myself?
  • Do I use any gestures that distract you when you’re talking to me?

Make any notes here on areas that you decide to work on as a result of the feedback you’ve just received.

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