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Local newspapers can carry adverts highlighting what you do. Creating a focus that is appropriate to the time of year will help ensure the message is received more effectively. However, there may be other opportunities available.

By contributing to the editorial of local newspapers or magazines – for example by sharing advice on the management and avoidance of common conditions and even how the public can use your pharmacy effectively – you can promote your business and provide engaging and informative copy for the local media at the same time. If your local paper does not have a regular health column, see if you can provide one. Opportunities may also arise from local radio and local internet-based television stations.

Posters may also be useful, especially when impactfully designed. Don’t forget doctors’ surgeries, but you could also use day centres for the elderly, community centres, churches or even bus stops.

Your customers are spending more and more time online on social media, so Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Snapchat can be used to send them messages, either direct from you or by forwarding messages posted by others. Be careful, however, as using social media as a marketing tool takes some planning and focus.

Pause to reflect

  • It’s time to put these ideas into action. Pick a service you currently offer. Using the AIDA mnemonic, write down a single statement or describe an image that will attract your potential customers’ attention.
  • Briefly explain the benefits of the service. What will keep a customer’s interest?
  • Think about the training you might give staff to be sure they can create a desire among customers to consider your service.
  • What other action might you consider taking to close a sale?
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