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Chickenpox vaccination

The JCVI has also recommended that a vaccine against varicella is added to the UK’s childhood immunisation programme. The vaccine would be offered to all children in two doses, at 12 and 18 months of age. The committee has submitted its recommendations to the Department of Health and Social Care, which will take the final decision on whether to implement the programme.

The JCVI has also recommended that a temporary catch-up programme for older children is included in the initial roll-out. Chickenpox cases were significantly reduced during the pandemic due to social restrictions, meaning there is currently a larger pool than usual of children without immunity.

A catch-up programme would offer protection against complications from the illness in later childhood or during adulthood, when chickenpox can be more severe.

If approved, the move would bring the UK into line with other countries offering routine varicella vaccination, including Germany and the US.

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