What constitutes good leadership perhaps comes as no surprise. It shouldn’t – most good leadership is simple common sense. However, common sense is not always common practice, so it is also the responsibility of a leader to challenge themself constantly.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I have the right level of focus on the people I work with
- Am I always as positive as I should be?
- Am I as professional and as strong a role model as I could be?
Answer these questions honestly, and you will, by definition, identify your developmental needs for becoming an inspiring leader.
As the American industrialist Jack Welch, who led General Electric for 20 years at its peak, put it: tomorrow’s leaders “must inspire people to rally around a vision of what a business can become”.
Pause to reflect
Use these three questions to identify an action plan to improve your own leadership approach, starting tomorrow.
1. What three actions are you going to take to improve your focus on the people you work with?
2. What three actions are you going to take that will help you to remain positive each day?
3. What three actions are you going to take to make you as professional and as strong a role model as you can be?