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The Mental Health at Work 2019 Report, published by Business in the Community, reveals that work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounts for 44 per cent of work-related ill health and 57 per cent of working days lost. The report showed that 52 per cent of employees connected poor mental health to too many company targets or priorities, with 62 per cent citing that their managers placed the interests of the company above employee wellbeing. 

Wellbeing is so much more than workload. Management of workload is only one element that contributes to the overall wellbeing in any workplace. Wellbeing is a multi-dimensional construct and there are many definitions. People development body CIPD have published seven interrelated key domains of wellbeing and provide initiatives that workplaces can adopt to support each domain.  

Wellbeing can be viewed as the balance point between an individual’s resource pool and the challenges faced. Stable wellbeing exists when individuals have the psychological, social and physical resources they need to meet a psychological, social and/or physical challenge. When individuals have more challenges than resources, the see-saw dips along with their wellbeing. So, what are the challenges we might find in pharmacy right now?

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