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There is a vast knowledge base of information pertaining to change approaches. Some of the key models include Kotter’s 8 Step Change, Lewin’s Change Management, nudge theory, ADKA, Kubler-Ross and McKinsey’s 7S. 

However, do avoid methodology madness. Keep it simple. William Bridges, a change management strategist, explains that to manage change successfully, you must first ask three major questions.

  • What is changing?
  • What will actually be different because of the change?
  • Who’s going to lose what?

To develop your plan, use this simple 10Q approach: 

1. What are your top change priorities for the next 12 to 24 months?

2. Who will lead the change initiative? Do they have the correct skill set?

3. How will you demonstrate measurable progress? 

4. What are the timelines, and the milestones to be achieved?

5. Who is accountable and responsible for change activities?

6. What resources are required (training, financial etc)?

7. How will the change plan be communicated internally? 

8. How will you continue to engage employees?

9. Which changes activities can deliver quick wins?

10. How will you visually demonstrate progress to employees (e.g. simple vision boards)?

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