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module menu icon Case study: A verbal warning is issued

Alison attends the disciplinary hearing and chooses not to be accompanied. She admits she was late, but says her timekeeping is improving and she has now bought a new alarm clock.

Joanne adjourns the disciplinary hearing and reviews the evidence. She decides to issue Alison with a verbal warning for poor timekeeping that will stay live for six months in accordance with the disciplinary policy. Joanne reconvenes the disciplinary hearing and informs Alison of her decision. Joanne confirms in writing, noting: 

  • When the verbal warning will expire
  • Alison has the right to appeal
  • Any further acts of misconduct may result in further disciplinary action being taken.

Three weeks later there is another incident concerning Alison and Holly, another assistant. Holly has complained to Julie that she had wanted to take her lunch break earlier than usual and when she mentioned it to Alison, Alison swore and said she would not be rearranging her breaks just because Holly felt like it. Holly said she was uncomfortable and embarrassed and that the comment was made within earshot of customers.

Julie holds an investigation meeting with Alison, who confirms the discussion took place, but says she does not remember swearing and thinks Holly is too sensitive. Alison says she can’t remember if there were customers in the pharmacy at the time.

Julie checks the disciplinary policy, which confirms that inappropriate behaviour towards colleagues will not be tolerated and may be misconduct. She decides there is a disciplinary case to answer and Alison is invited to a disciplinary hearing on 23 February. The invitation letter confirms:

  • The allegation against her
  • That a possible outcome may be that she is issued with a written warning
  • That she has the right to be accompanied by a work colleague or trade union representative.

Enclosed with the invitation letter is a copy of the minutes from the meetings with Holly and Alison.

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