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The ability to reflect and take learnings from every situation then apply them in the future is the true sign of a leader. Enhanced self-awareness and a commitment to personal development bring amazing rewards, and in our knowledge-based society, they are key to success.

Personal branding expert Dr Hubert Rampersad suggests that self-awareness and the way we project ourselves are of central importance to our careers: ‘Everyone has a personal brand, but most people are not aware of this and do not manage it strategically, consistently and effectively… An individual’s personal brand should reflect his or her true character, and should be built on his or her values, strengths, uniqueness…’. A personal brand will help you to distinguish yourself as an exceptional professional, he says.

To develop your own ‘personal brand’, you must first and foremost be aware of your strengths and limitations. Only then will you be able to self-manage and achieve your desired outcomes.

The organisation Gallup, which has studied human behaviour and management for more than 75 years, says that top achievers:

  • Fully recognise their talents and develop them into strengths
  • Apply their strengths in roles that best suit them
  • Invent ways to apply their strengths to their achievement of tasks.

Positive view

Educational psychologist Donald O. Clifton, who developed the Clifton StrengthsFinder test, recognised that individuals are likely to gain more when they expend effort to build on their strengths than if they expend the same effort on resolving weaknesses. It seems that by focusing on our key strengths, we enhance both our self-motivation and our career satisfaction.

Based on a series of questions, the Clifton StrengthsFinder test is a measure of personal talent that identifies areas where an individual’s greatest potential for building strengths lies. Are you more suited to the role of a pharmacy manager or a prescribing advisor? How do you know which role suits you more?

You can purchase the test from Gallup and will find summaries online. Study the list of talent themes it uses and you may find that you naturally associate with certain ones. The key is to grow your talents further and use them to build a successful and happy career.

Undertaking a personal SWOT analysis (see below) is a useful way of identifying your strengths and the opportunities that are available to you.


Your personal SWOT analysis

Undertake a personal SWOT analysis using the tool provided below. Key to this activity is to be honest with your findings. Consider how you can build upon your strengths and use these to mitigate personal limitations or challenges.

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