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If you decide to run a training session for your team, you can use the following to help you plan.

1. What is the training need?

Write clear aims and objectives for the session, being realistic about what can be achieved.

2. Why?

Identify specifically what you want the learners to know or do differently at the end of the training session. Make sure that it is relevant to the work of all those present.

3. Who?

Consider who will be at the training session and who will be delivering it. This will affect when it can be run and decide if multiple sessions are needed.

Delivery of the training may be best carried out by a more experienced team member or the pharmacist, but other options may include asking another health professional to deliver a session for you – such as a local nurse – involving a company representative to deliver specific product training, or developing an in-house subject expert.

4. When?

When will the session be run? How long will it last? Are there opportunities pre-opening/postclosing training, or if one to one, during a quieter moment in the working day?

5. How?

How will the training be delivered? Ideas include small group discussions, asking people to complete reading, questions and answers, listening to a speaker, looking at case studies, carrying out role-play or having an interactive session, for example handling inhalers. Consider options to work out the best resources to develop the content.

6. Evaluation

Consider what you can use to evaluate how effective the training was. This includes post-event feedback from trainees, and, importantly, observation of actual changes in practice.

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