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Common symptoms

Acne most commonly develops on the face, with almost all sufferers affected by facial acne. In addition, about half of sufferers develop lesions on their back and about 15 per cent get them on their chest.

There are various types of acne lesions. Non-inflammatory types include:

  • Blackheads: these develop when pores become clogged with sebum and dead skin cells to form ‘comedones’. If the entrance to the pore remains open, this blockage may be visible and appear dark, hence the term ‘blackheads’
  • Whiteheads: ‘closed comedones’ become clogged in the same way as blackheads, but the pore opening is closed. This causes them to be slightly raised and have a white or skin-coloured appearance.

Other types of acne lesions are inflammatory:

  • Papules: small, raised bumps that appear red and sore to the touch
  • Pustules (pimples): similar to papules, but with a white or yellow pus-filled centre
  • Nodules: large, painful and often solid lesions that are lodged deep within the skin
  • Cysts: the most severe type of acne lesion. They are large, pus-filled bumps that look similar to boils and can cause permanent scarring.

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