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Antiflatulents Air ingested with the feed is postulated as a possible cause of colic. Dimeticone and simeticone are defoaming agents that alter the elasticity of interfaces of mucus-embedded bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract. Gas bubbles are thus broken down or coalesced and the gas is more easily eliminated through eructation or passing flatus. Products are presented as drops and a dose is given before or mixed with a feed.

Gripe water A proprietary formulation containing sodium bicarbonate and dill oil, components traditionally used for the treatment of gastric flatulence, has been available for 165 years. Sodium bicarbonate reacts with stomach acid to produce carbon dioxide, which is vented by eructation and may help release trapped air along with it. Dill oil is a mildly carminative volatile oil which may also help to release trapped wind.

The product remains popular, possibly because it has been thought to be helpful and recommended by mothers to daughtersover many generations.

Lactase This enzyme hydrolyses lactose in the small intestine to glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed. It is presented as drops which are added to formula feed or to a small amount of expressed breastmilk before continuing with breastfeeding.

The manufacturer states that studies have shown a reduced crying time when formula or breast milk is incubated with lactase.

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