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Salicylic acid, silver nitrate, and lactic acid in combination with salicylic acid destroy verrucas. Most take up to 12 weeks to work. Examples include Bazuka Gel. Freeze treatments may be suitable for stubborn cases and when rapid relief is desired, as they can remove verrucas in one treatment. Examples include Scholl Freeze Verruca and Wart Remover, Bazuka Sub-Zero.

Corns and calluses

Salicylic acid can be used to remove layers of hard skin, along with a foot file or pumice stone. Salicylic acid should not be used on healthy skin. Cushioning products help relieve pressure on the affected area, reducing pain and preventing reoccurrence. A moisturising cream containing ingredients such as urea can also help. Examples include Scholl 2 in 1 Corn Express Pen and Carnation Callous Caps.

Cracked heels

The affected skin should be removed using a foot file, pumice stone or exfoliating product. Examples include Micro Pedi. The skin should then be rehydrated using a foot cream. Examples include Flexitol.


Painkillers, shoe insoles, bunion pads and correctly fitting shoes can help to minimise pain.

Heel pain 

Usually the pain will ease in time, but customers should be advised to rest their foot/feet and avoiding running, excess walking or standing. Painkillers such as paracetamol may help ease pain. Wearing shoes with cushioned heels and a good arch support is important and walking barefoot should be avoided. Heel pads and arch supports may be suitable.

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