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Mouth ulcers can be treated using topical gels, paints or pastilles:

  • Topical gels may contain anaesthetics (e.g. lidocaine – OTC examples include Anbesol Adult Strength Gel – or benzocaine – OTC examples include Orajel Mouth Gel) to numb pain; antiseptics (e.g. aminoacridine) to prevent infection; or pain-relieving ingredients (e.g. choline salicylate – OTC examples include Bonjela). Some products contain a combination of ingredients, such as lidocaine with aminoacridine. OTC examples include Iglu Rapid Relief Gel
  • Mouthwashes containing antibacterial agents (e.g. chlorhexidine) can be used to prevent infection and relieve pain. OTC examples include Corsodyl Original Mouthwash
  • Pastilles containing antiseptic agents (e.g. benzalkonium chloride) can be dissolved in the mouth to provide soothing relief. OTC examples include Iglu Sugar Free Pastilles
  • Anaesthetic sprays can be directly sprayed onto the ulcers.


Salicylates cannot be used for children under 16 years of age.

Cold sores can be treated using antiviral products such as aciclovir cream. Products containing astringents, anaesthetics or antiseptics are also available to relieve pain and prevent infection. OTC examples include Zovirax, Compeed Cold Sore Patch.

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