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Products such as Frontline Plus, Advantage and Drontal are categorised as NFA-VPS products. This means that a vet, pharmacist or suitably qualified person can sell them. The following requirements for supply should be followed:

  • The pharmacist must be present and authorise each transaction
  • The pharmacist must be satisfied that the person making the supply is competent to do so.

When retail supplies of such products are made, the qualified person should:

  • Check that the person being supplied the medicine understands how to use it safely and that they are using it for an authorised purpose
  • Give advice on how to use the product and point out any particular warnings/contraindications to the customer
  • Supply only the quantity needed for immediate treatment.

Frontline Spot On is an AVM-GSL product, which means there is no requirement for anyone selling the medicine to be qualified.


For more infomation, see:

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