- Signpost customers who are worried about their hearing to go for a hearing test
- When flying, to prevent the adverse effects of the pressure changes on the ears, customers can: swallow frequently (chewing gum or sucking on sweets can help this); yawn; or equalise the pressure by pinching the nose, closing the mouth and gently breathing out through the nose until a ‘pop’ is felt in the ears. Babies can be bottle fed/given a dummy during take off and landing
- Suggest ear protectors are used in noisy environments.
Parents/carers of young children with an ear infection can be advised to:
- Give a painkiller such as paracetamol/ibuprofen
- Hold a warm (or cold) flannel to the ear (depending on the child’s preference) to help soothe the pain
- Gently wipe the ear with cotton wool to remove any discharge
- Protect the ear from water/shampoo getting into it.
To help prevent ear infections, parents/carers can:
- Make sure the child is up to date with all their vaccinations
- Avoid smoky environments
- Use ear plugs/swimming hats/protective drops to protect the ears when swimming
- Avoid using a dummy after the baby reaches six months of age.