For more information, see:
- Your Counter Intelligence Plus training guide
- NHS Choices – fever in children
- NHS Choices – children's medicines
- NHS Choices – meningitis B vaccine
- Meningitis Now.
When to refer
In addition to your pharmacy protocol, you should also refer to the pharmacist any infant who:
- Is under six months and has a fever
- Is not feeding
- Is vomiting green fluid
- Has blood in their faeces
- Has a persistent high temperature despite treatment
- Has any suspected signs of septicaemia or meningitis
- Makes a grunting noise when breathing
- Has a constant, inconsolable or high-pitched cry
- Has pale, blue/grey/ashen/mottled skin
- Has a fit associated with a fever
- Has signs of dehydration, such as fewer wet nappies
- Has symptoms that haven’t improved as expected.