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This delivery system is claimed to act within 60 seconds of application. It should be used whenever the urge to smoke is felt, or to prevent cravings in situations where they are likely to occur.

One or two sprays are used when cigarettes normally would have been smoked or if cravings emerge. If cravings are not controlled within a few minutes of the first spray, a second should be used. If two sprays are required, future doses may be delivered as two consecutive sprays.

Most smokers require one or two sprays every 30 minutes to an hour. Up to four sprays per hour may be used, but usage should not exceed two sprays per dosing episode, or 64 sprays (four sprays per hour over 16 hours) in any 24-hour period. The spray should not be inhaled and the user should not swallow for a few seconds after spraying.

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