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There are two brands of nicotine lozenges, each in two strengths: Nicotinell 1mg and 2mg, and NiQuitin 1.5mg and 4mg. For both brands, the lower strength is recommended for those who smoke around 20 cigarettes or less per day, and the higher for those smoking more than around 25 cigarettes per day.

For Nicotinell, the dosage schedule is one every one to two hours, when the urge to smoke is felt. The recommended daily dosage is 8-12 lozenges, with a maximum of 30 x 1mg, or 15 x 2mg, lozenges per day.

The manufacturer recommends that treatment should continue for at least three months, after which the dose should be gradually reduced. Treatment should be discontinued when the dose has been reduced to 1-2 lozenges per day. Usage should not continue beyond six months.

For NiQuitin, the manufacturer advises that dose reduction should begin after six weeks, otherwise the regime is similar to that for Nicotinell.

The sucking technique for lozenges is similar to that for gum: one is sucked slowly until the taste becomes strong; it is then ‘parked’ between the cheek and gum until the taste has faded, and the procedure is continued until the lozenge has gone. One lozenge should last for about half an hour.

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