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There are OTC products that you can recommend to help customers:

Ear wax can be softened and encouraged to come away naturally using one of the following products:

  • Hydrogen peroxide-based products (e.g. Otex ear drops) – these may cause a bubbling sensation in the ear
  • Oils such as olive or almond oil – remember that customers with a nut allergy should not use almond oil
  • Docusate-containing ear drops (e.g. Waxol ear drops) – these should be used for a maximum of two nights at a time
  • Sodium bicarbonate ear drops – these may make the ear canal dry.

Otitis externa can be treated using a product containing acetic acid (e.g. EarCalm spray), which acts as an antifungal or antibacterial agent, but it is only suitable for use by adults and children over 12 years.

Ear care products such as drops (e.g. SwimSeal) and ear plugs that prevent water entering the ear, as well as products that relieve pressure build-up, and cleansing washes are also available.

Don't forget...

Customers should not try to remove ear wax with their fingers or items like matchsticks or cotton buds as this may push the wax further into their ears or cause damage. 

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