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Risk factors

While different types of bladder weakness can occur for various reasons, there are certain factors that increase the likelihood of a person developing symptoms. These include:

  • Pregnancy and vaginal birth
  • Menopause
  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • Strenuous exercise or heavy lifting
  • Age – it is more common over the age of 50
  • Certain medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, stroke, dementia, frequent urinary tract infections, constipation)
  • An enlarged prostate gland – known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
  • Neurological damage (e.g. because of Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, brain injury)
  • Certain medications (e.g. diuretics, ACE inhibitors, some antidepressants, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), sedatives).
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