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Period irregularity and cessation

Most women experience irregularities in their menstrual cycle in the years leading to the menopause, which typically last for up to four years (the perimenopause). The cycle may shorten to two to three weeks or lengthen with many weeks or even months between periods. Only about one in 10 women’s periods will stop abruptly. Perimenopause is usually diagnosed based on irregular periods and the presence of vasomotor symptoms such as hot flushes.

Duration of symptoms

The duration and severity of symptoms experienced in the menopause vary markedly. Menopausal symptoms typically last for five to seven years, but some women continue to experience them for up to 10-15 years.

Hot flushes and night sweats

Vasomotor effects are the most commonly experienced menopausal symptoms. Together with irregular periods, they may be the first sign of ‘the change’. Hot flushes are often described as a sudden sensation of heat in the chest, face and head followed by flushing, perspiration and sometimes chills. Headaches and palpitations are other common vasomotor symptoms.

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