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Altered sexual function

Some women experience lower libido (sex drive) during and after the perimenopause partly due to diminishing levels of oestrogen and testosterone. Vaginal dryness leading to discomfort or pain during intercourse may further reduce libido. Some women experience higher libido once they no longer need to use contraception and are no longer worried about the risk of pregnancy.

Sleep disturbance and fatigue

Some women notice disturbed sleep during the menopause in association with irritability, poor concentration and depression. Night sweats can further cause or aggravate disturbed sleep. Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue during the day and difficulty concentrating on tasks at work or home.

Mood disorders

It is common for women to experience loss of confidence, low mood, irritability, forgetfulness, difficulty in concentrating, panic attacks, anxiety and depression at the time of the menopause. It is important that pharmacy teams can recognise these features and provide reassurance and support where necessary.

Hair and nail changes

Many women notice that their hair grows more slowly and becomes thinner. Nails can become brittle. These problems can add to their distress.

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