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OSAHS can affect all age groups, but prevalence increases with age and obesity. Other risk factors include being male, smoking, drinking alcohol, back sleeping and having another health condition such as hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes, chronic heart failure, or moderate or severe asthma.

Diagnosis usually involves a visit to a specialist sleep clinic to check breathing and heart rate while sleeping (the clinic supplies devices which can be used at home and then returned for the data to be analysed, although some people may be assessed during an overnight stay in a specialist sleep laboratory). The severity of the OSAHS can be established and then treatment put in place if necessary. Alternatives to CPAP include intra-oral mandibular devices, which maintain an open upper airway and reduce the risk of it collapsing. In some cases, surgery may be required – for example, if enlarged tonsils are causing an obstruction.

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