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Shin splints is a term used to describe a painful injury to the muscles, tendons or bone in the shin. As well as the reasons mentioned above, it can by caused by other issues, including:

  • Small breaks (stress fractures) in the shin bone (tibia), caused by repeated impact
  • Overuse of the muscles at the front of the leg (biomechanical overload)
  • Inflammation of the tendons that attach muscles to the tibia (tendonitis)
  • Pressure build-up in the muscles, which makes them swell and leads to compartment syndrome
  • Inflammation of the connective tissue covering the tibia (the periosteum). This is known as medial tibial stress syndrome.
  • Usually, shin splints heal on their own, providing self care advice is followed, although occasionally, surgery may be recommended.
  • Other conditions that can cause similar symptoms include muscle hernias, nerve problems in the lower back and deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
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