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What can pharmacy do?

There is much community pharmacy teams can do to help patients reduce their risk of complications from diabetes:

  • Support medication use by ensuring that patients have what they need, are not using previously discontinued medicines if their treatment has changed and ensure they know they can ask you about their medicines
  • Make maximum use of medicines review opportunities
  • Encourage local GPs to refer patients with diabetes to a pharmacy consultation service for medicines and lifestyle support
  • Remind patients to attend their annual diabetes review at their GP practice (and to follow up if it has been longer than a year, as may currently be the case due to the pandemic). Ask patients when they usually have their review and add this to their PMR
  • Urge patients to attend regular foot health and eye screening checks. Recognise that older teenagers are less likely to attend for eye screening in particular and so need encouragement
  • In England, encourage patients who take medication for their diabetes to apply for a medical exemption certificate using the FP92A form so that they can obtain their prescription items free of charge
  • Advise patients to check their feet daily for any changes
  • Provide lifestyle advice; for example on the need to stay active and eat healthily (see illustration)
  • Put in place specific interventions such as support to stop smoking or lose weight
  • Highlight relevant vaccinations, such as the seasonal flu jab, and pneumococcal and Covid-19 vaccines
  • Encourage patients to have regular dental check-ups, as diabetes increases the risk of developing gum disease and other oral health problems
  • Raise awareness of broader issues. For example, patients should check with the DVLA if their diabetes becomes unstable as they may be regarded as unsafe to drive; how to manage glycaemic control if unwell; what to do if the weather is hot or with overseas abroad; and considerations regarding how younger patients manage their condition at school and during recreational and sporting activities.
Staying active and eating healthily are important to prevent diabetic complications
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