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Support for self-management

A number of websites provide useful information on aspects of self-management. Some are written as if their content is only relevant to people who have been in hospital but much of it is of wider value for all patients with long-Covid.

  • NHS Your Covid Recovery website contains self-management advice and tips about the common symptoms, both physical and mental
  • Long Covid Support Facebook page is a private group both for patients with long-Covid and their carers. On an associated public page patients post their experiences and there are links to the results of newly published studies and reports on long Covid, so it is worth bookmarking as a useful resource
  • Social prescribing: Before the pandemic, social prescribing was growing as a way to reduce social isolation and loneliness, and increase community connections. Patients can be directed to these resources that may help with rehabilitation from long Covid. The National Academy for Social Prescribing website provides information about local schemes and activities.
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