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The impact of poor transfer of care

Poor communication between healthcare professionals from different settings often leads to various problems for patients.

Adverse drug events are a significant cause of hospital admissions, many of which are preventable. Identifying patients at high risk of preventable hospital admission related to adverse drug events and ensuring these patients are supported after discharge can minimise risks for patients. It can also reduce the growing financial burden of readmissions on the NHS.

Unintended discrepancies in patients’ medicines after discharge from hospital affect up to 87 per cent of patients. Examples include re-issuing prescriptions for medicines that had been stopped in hospital, or not issuing prescriptions for medicines that had been started in hospital and should have continued. Medicines-related problems after hospital discharge are associated with adverse health consequences.  

Poor communication with patients before they are discharged from hospital can leave them feeling unsure or confused about any changes to their medicines and lead to a loss of confidence in self care.  

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