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Technician Vicky is talking to Kirsty Baldwin.

“I’m not sure about these iron tablets, you know Vicky,” starts Kirsty. “I thought they were supposed to make me feel better, but I feel dreadful.”

“Remind me what you are on them for,” replies Vicky.

“It’s anaemia. I went to the doctor because I was feeling so incredibly tired, and it turned out that my iron level was through the floor. He gave me these tablets and told me to take them three times a day,” Kirsty holds up a packet of ferrous sulfate, then continues: “Do you think three times a day is too much? Honestly, my stomach is churning, I’m horribly constipated and when I do manage to go, my poos are black. It’s all terribly unpleasant. I’m starting to dread taking them, and as I take them before food, it means I’m kind of dreading mealtimes too.”

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