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Before you begin, have you completed the first six modules in this series about patient safety?
Part one: The importance of a safety culture
Part two: Investigating incidents and causes
Part three: Getting to grips with safety culture
Part four: Reporting and analysis
Part five: Patient and public involvement
Part six: Huddles and patient safety
Part seven: Making improvements to patient safety

The original CPPE programme has been developed in collaboration with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre (GM PSTRC). The NIHR GM PSTRC is a partnership between The University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.

Disclaimer: This learning programme is intended to aid the assessment of different aspects of patient safety with a view to making improvements. Using it will not, on its own, ensure you are compliant with health and safety legislation. Organisations should evaluate their own level of compliance with the law and seek competent advice if appropriate.

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