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Getting plenty of rest and staying well hydrated are the two mainstays of self-care with cold and flu, although there is little evidence for them, probably because they do not lend themselves to scrutiny via randomised controlled trials.

Nonetheless, not pushing the body beyond what feels comfortable is a sensible approach, as is slightly increasing fluid intake. Bed rest is not advised for colds unless the individual feels exhausted. Many people with flu are too unwell to get out of bed.

Various foods and supplements hit the headlines every now and then as the best way to stave off or ‘cure’ a cold or flu, but there is no compelling evidence for many of these. Echinacea, garlic, vitamin C and zinc have all been the subjects of Cochrane reviews but there is either weak or no clear evidence supporting their use.

There is some evidence that encouraging people to stop smoking at the time they have a cold or flu may be more effective than at other times, so this could be an opportune time to offer smoking cessation support.

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