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module menu icon Treatment for boils and carbuncles

Patients who suffer from recurrent bacterial folliculitis or boils may be colonised with S. aureus and benefit from decolonisation. This can only happen once the acute episode is over. Colonies made from swabs from the groin, axillae and nose can establish whether the patient is carrying S. aureus

For elimination of nasal carriage, application of Naseptin four times a day for 10 days or mupirocin three times a day for five days is recommended. 

For elimination of skin carriage, an antiseptic preparation, chlorhexidine 4% body wash and shampoo, or Triclosan 2% Hibiscrub or Hydrex should be used daily for five days as liquid soap in the bath, shower or sink is recommended. The Dermol product range, which includes emollient and wash products, is an alternative option for delicate skin.

In addition, the following general hygiene measures to prevent further reinfection should be recommended: 

  • Take a daily shower or bath
  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water
  • Change clothes and underclothes regularly
  • Avoid sharing towels, face cloths, razors, toothbrushes etc.
  • Wash sports clothes after each and every use
  • Use disposable tissues to blow the nose and avoid picking the nose
  • In saunas and gyms, sit on a clean towel and wash the towel after use.
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