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A major cause for concern when treating respiratory disease is poor inhaler technique. This leads to poor drug delivery, decreased disease control, increased inhaler use and waste. Appropriate use of inhalers can make a huge difference to people in allowing them to take part in normal activities, improving sleep and also keeping them out of hospital. 

Some 75 per cent of people who have had an inhaler for an average of two to three years report that they can use it correctly. However, only 10 per cent of these people can actually demonstrate correct use. In addition, an article in Thorax medical journal in 2010 reported that 91 per cent of healthcare professionals could not demonstrate correct inhaler technique.

A large number of video resources are available to support both healthcare professionals and patients in correct inhaler technique, such as the videos from Wessex innovation resources and ‘Seven steps to success’ cards from the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

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