Pharmacy contractors affected by a reduction in funding for stop smoking services should note that the British Lung Foundation has called on clinical commissioning groups to “remove from contracts any unfair restrictions on which, and how many, approved stop smoking products can be prescribed.”
It says CCGs should also “repeal all guidance to GPs which revokes their right to prescribe stop smoking medication.”26
NG92 also makes commissioning a priority. It says commissioners should “use sustainability and transformation plans, health and wellbeing strategies, and any other relevant local strategies and plans to ensure evidence-based stop smoking interventions and services are available for everyone who smokes.”12
More recently, PHE has set out principles and indicators for tobacco commissioning support up to 2020. This instructs commissioners to have “effective local systems to move the tobacco control agenda forward” and involve all partner agencies in the needs assessment process.27
With focused events through the year –New Year, No Smoking Day, and Stoptober – and NHS One You, pharmacy teams may wish to remind health commissioners of these national expectations around services.28,29.30