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In addition to NICE indicating e-cigarettes may have a role in smoking cessation, the Royal College of Physicians has said e-cigarettes should be allowed on NHS sites to support smokers to remain smoke-free and help to sustain smoke-free policies.12,19

Cancer Research UK’s resource on e-cigarettes includes its current policy, which advocates “a balanced approach” maximising e-cigarettes’ potential to help smokers quit, while minimising the risks of unintended consequences that could promote smoking. This includes restricting e-cigarettes marketing to avoid re-normalising smoking.3,20

In August 2018, the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee published the findings of its inquiry into e-cigarettes. It recommended that the Government should continue to review annually the evidence on the health effects of e-cigarettes and extend that review to heat-not-burn products.

It also said that limits on the strength of e-cigarette refills should be reviewed “as heavy smokers may be put off persisting with them.”21

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