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The General Pharmaceutical Council guidance on pharmacies stocking e-cigarettes published in 2014 is still current. It links to the Department of Health, MHRA and Chartered Trading Standards Institute guide for pharmacies in England and Wales issued to coincide with the introduction of minimum age of sales restrictions in 2015.22,23

In its September 2018 guidance, PHE calls on pharmacy teams to discuss smoking when appropriate. Opportunities might include when people are buying NRT, purchasing cough medicines repeatedly or when dispensing medicines for smoking-related conditions such as high blood pressure, COPD, diabetes and heart disease.6

Pharmacy staff are asked to update their knowledge on the evidence around e-cigarettes and available products to respond to smokers’ queries about quitting. PHE also recommends completing the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) online training module.6,24

In August 2018, PHE also published guidance for health professionals on having smoking cessation conversations with patients.25

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