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Last autumn saw the launch of an OTC self-diagnosis kit, Bayer's Canetest Self Test for Vaginal Infections, to help women determine whether a vulvovaginal infection was likely to be candidal thrush, BV, or trichomoniasis, and what treatment might be appropriate.

A swab is used to test mucosal pH levels, with a color change (from yellow to blue/ green) in the swab indicating possible infection. Users should combine the swab test results with answers to questions about symptoms to give a 90 percent accurate result. The kit then suggests whether OTC treatment can be considered or whether the infection needs further investigation.

In the absence of the test, diagnostic questions to help differentiate between thrush and BV should include asking about the presence of the following symptoms in the table below. Pregnant women should also be advised that increased vaginal discharge is common during pregnancy, but without any of the above symptoms.14 Where there is any doubt about what the condition may be, or trichomoniasis is suspected, refer the patient.

Reflection Point

Consider the OTC product range you stock for prevention and treatment in this area.
Do you have the best possible selection, and are you and your staff familiar with all the products on offer?

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