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The NHS approach for minor injuries such as sprains and strains is PRICE: "Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation". A number of variants on the mnemonic have been proposed, including:

  • HI-RICE - Hydration, Ibuprofen, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  • POLICE - Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation.

These are modifications of the original RICE mnemonic coined by US doctor Gabe Mirkin in the late 1970s. However, Dr Mirkin has since noted thastudies now suggest that "both ice and complete rest may delay healing, instead of helping". Similarly, interfering with the natural inflammatory process may delay healing.5

If damage is confined to muscle and soft tissue, current thinking is that elevation and compression may be appropriate to reduce swelling. Ice should be used only for brief periods
if it reduces pain, and not beyond the initial six hours after the injury.

Careful consideration needs to be given to the use of steroids and NSAIDs which, although analgesic, may suppress inflammation and deter healing. Rehabilitation by gently starting to use the damaged part could start as soon as the next day, with blood circulation helping the inflammatory healing process.

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