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Neurodivergence and additional needs

Moving from adolescence to young adulthood is a time of change for anyone, but for those who are neurodivergent, there are additional challenges. Neurodivergent people can have a range of different conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism or sensory processing differences. 

Some may prefer different communication styles (e.g. written rather than verbal). Having a quiet area to allow for thinking space and an option to read information away from others can also support neurodivergent individuals, who may find a busy community pharmacy environment over-stimulating.

You may need to change your approach when conversing with neurodivergent young people and those with additional needs. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Help with reading or understanding new information
  • Explaining symptoms
  • Remembering information that is shared with them
  • Paying for goods and services or accessing help to do so.

Neurodivergent pharmacy users may need more time to take in and process information in different formats. There may also be a need (with permission from the young person) to involve carers or family members.

Reflective exercise

A young person approaches you, visibly anxious, and says they are feeling very worried. They want to know if there is any way you can help them. How would you respond?

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